Plant size matters !
In order to obtain the best results with your Gyroflor™ culture chamber, your plants should measure between 80 and 100 cm in height, and have a maximum diameter of 40 cm.
Some strains or phenotypes will naturally take on the ideal shape and size (see drawing left hereunder), but others will tend to stretch in width beyond 40cm in diameter (drawing on the right), which could hamper proper plant rotation.
The simplest way to solve this problem is to ligate (tie or bind with a ligature) the bottoms of the branches to the trunk, as shown below. This can be done using metal wire or cable ties for example.
If you are an expert and know your varieties well (and know how they will behave), you can always try pinching the 2 or 3 pairs of lower side branches in the growth phase.
There are still many things that have not been tested with the Gyroflor™! So give free rein to your experiments and show us the results!